Airmail is a messaging program (similar to Outlook) specifically designed for connection to a HF radio mailbox station. Once connected to a compatible station, message transfer is completely automatic. On the ham bands, Airmail can transfer messages automatically with any station supporting the BBS or F6FBB protocols, such as Winlink-2000 (, Winlink, F6FBB and MSYS and other Airmail stations. Airmail is also used as the client program by the SailMail Marine system and other participating systems. A "Dumb terminal" mode is also provided but ordinary QSO's are not the program's forte.
Airmail is a 32-bit program which runs under Windows-95, 98, NT, 2000 or XP. Airmail supports the SCS PTC-II and PTC-IIe Pactor-2 modems as well as the original PTC Pactor modem, the Kantronics KAM+ and KAM-98, AEA/Timewave PK-232, PK-900, DSP-1232 and 2232, the MFJ 1276 and 1278B, and the HAL DXP-38 Clover/Pactor modem. (Sound cards are not supported).
Airmail is a program developed specifically for sending messages via HF radio and optimized for low-speed links, not an adaptation of an ordinary email. Airmail is written and supported by Jim Corenman, a cruising sailor who developed the program in an environment that rewarded efficient wireless communications- far from wired Internet connections.
AirMail is licensed without charge to the amateur radio community and is dedicated to the many sysops who have donated generously of their time and Equipment to make the digital Ham Radio network a Reality. Airmail can also be used with other participating systems. Airmail is not â??freewareâ?? and may not be used for other applications without permission; send an email to Airmail Support (Subject:â??Airmailâ??) for more information.